The Most Current Guide to Arbitration in Austria: KNOETZL Publishes Overview in Chambers Global Practice Guide

With the omnipresent coronavirus reshaping the legal landscape in Austria, the basic framework and pitfalls of arbitral practice here deserve a re-read. KNOETZL partners Florian Haugeneder, Patrizia Netal, Emmanuel Kaufman and Natascha Tunkel present their succinct expert commentary on key legal issues in arbitration in their latest chapter for the Chambers & Partners Law and Practice guide. Their publication compiles the most important, up-to-date information on all matters of arbitration that requires reading now, downloadable as a PDF or online.
Please note that the legal information contained therein is not legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact Florian Haugeneder, Patrizia Netal, Emmanuel Kaufman, Natascha Tunkel or your customary KNOETZL relationship professional at our firm.