Ăśber Einladung von Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka diskutierten am 25.2.2022 ĂĽberschattet von den Grundrechtsverletzungen des russischen Staates in der Ukraine, unsere Partnerin Bettina Knötzl gemeinsam mit Prof.in Pabel, Prof. Kert, Prof. Ratz und Prof. Eisenberger und einem hochkarätigen Publikum österreichischen Parlament Diskussion zum Thema „Beschuldigtenrechte unter Druck – Rechtliche und politische Aufklärung im Gleichschritt“. Gemeinsam mit…
Management teams have found themselves confronted by a whole new world of perilous risks since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulatory, public health, legal and commercial developments have been rapid and unpredictable, causing risk profiles to shift in potentially dramatic ways and raising uncertainty as to the propriety of company responses. As litigators and…
Walking the line between the lawful use of information obtained from (former) employers and the unlawful exploitation of trade secrets Trust is an essential ingredient for building and retaining business in almost all industries. Specifically: trust in employees and business partners. But what happens when those employees leave or partnerships break? Trade secrets can easily…
2020 was a challenging year. Not only our daily life in Austria changed, but, so did the Austrian litigation landscape. Austrian litigation is also morphing under the circumstances of COVID-19. During the pandemic new procedural rules were adopted, and courts started working with new technologies. There are also new proposals for Dispute Resolution Reform in…
With the omnipresent coronavirus reshaping the legal landscape in Austria, the basic framework and pitfalls of arbitral practice here deserve a re-read. KNOETZL partners Florian Haugeneder, Patrizia Netal, Emmanuel Kaufman and Natascha Tunkel present their succinct expert commentary on key legal issues in arbitration in their latest chapter for the Chambers & Partners Law and…