We at KNOETZL are deeply sorry for all people affected by the coronavirus, and wish for everyone to stay alert and healthy during these difficult times. To help flatten the curve, we hope to increase awareness through this up to date information about the virus, courtesy of the infectious disease department at Johns Hopkins University:…
Wir bei KNOETZL sind zutiefst betroffen von der aktuellen Pandemie und hoffen, dass so wenig weitere Personen wie möglich infiziert werden. Um die Verbreitung des Virus einzudämmen, möchten wir gern jedem die nachfolgenden Informationen, bereitgestellt von der Abteilung fĂĽr Infektionskrankheiten der Johns Hopkins University, ans Herz legen: Das Virus ist kein lebender Organismus, sondern ein…
The challenges facing businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions issued by the Austrian government are many and various. We have put together a brief bullet-point overview of some non-performance issues that have and will continue to seriously affect many businesses – as well as their staff and stakeholders – in…
What are the top priorities for Austrian law enforcement authorities? How do allegations of misconduct most often come to light in Austrian companies? What are the key issues when carrying out an internal investigation or facing a dawn raid? And what legal protections are in place for whistleblowers? Ranging from providing news on the domestic…
As all those who provide professional services – be they architects, lawyers, auditors, doctors or otherwise – are aware, even the most profoundly skilled professionals run the risk that clients may wish to hold them liable for alleged errors. The Professional Negligence Law Review (2nd edition September 2019) in the prestigious The Law Reviews series…