KNOETZL contributed the Chapter on International Arbitration in Austria to the Chambers Law and Practice Guide

KNOETZL contributed the Chapter on International Arbitration in Austria to the Chambers Law and Practice Guide. The Guide presents a compact expert commentary on key legal issues in international arbitration. KNOETZL is honored to be recognized for its excellence and experience in the field of international arbitration by being among the leading law firms worldwide…

Preparation for the IBA’s Annual Conference in Sydney

KNOETZL partner and Co-Chair of the IBA Litigation Committee, Bettina Knoetzl, is preparing for the IBA’s Annual Conference in Sydney, Australia, in October. In doing so, Bettina has designed and is organizing a Dispute Resolution Showcase on Cultural Clashes in Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation. A globally diverse panel of ten highly experienced dispute resolution lawyers…

European Law Students Visit KNOETZL

Fifty members of ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association, spearheaded by its chapter at WU Wien, in connection with its renowned Summer ELSA Vienna Dispute Resolution Law school 2017, visited the home of Austria’s leading litigation and arbitration practice for a day of training in the soft skills necessary for effective trial work that are…

Time DOES Fly When You’re Having Fun!

In celebration of friends, clients, ourselves, summer and all the good stuff about all of them, the KNOETZL Family threw open its Vienna Skytop doors, once again, for its Summer Opening 2017. This time, we shifted our focus from the seriousness  of our mission as reflected in our being honored at last year’s event by…

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