KNOETZL hosts advocacy workshop with Cherie Blair

Leading lawyers from civil and common law background shared their insights at the Workshop on Advocacy and Persuasion in International Arbitration co-organized by Omnia Strategy and KNOETZL. The panel featured Cherie Blair (Chair of Omnia Strategy), Florian Haugeneder (KNOETZL), Dietmar W. Prager (Debevoise & Plimpton), Stephan Wilske (Gleiss Lutz), and was moderated by Ema Vidak…

Florian Haugeneder spoke at the Belgrade Arbitration Conference

On 31 March 2017, KNOETZL partner Florian Haugeneder spoke at the Belgrade Arbitration Conference organised by the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law. Florian’s presentation was about the “Assessment of Claims in M&A Arbitrations”. His main proposition was that the quantification of claims in typical M&A arbitrations was often not fully in line with the…

Im Kampf gegen Bestechung und Korruption: Transparency International Austrian Chapter Mitgliederversammlung im Wiener Rathaus mit Präsentation der Präsidentin Bettina Knötzl zur Kronzeugenregelung, dem jüngsten GRECO Bericht, weiteren Aktivitäten des Beirats und einem lauten Aufruf für Mut zur Transparenz an beide Seiten, Auftraggeber wie Auftragnehmer.


Der historische Wappensaal des Wiener Rathauses bildete am 30. März 2017 den Rahmen für das jährliche Mitgliedertreffen der Nichtregierungsorganisation „Transparency International – Austrian Chapter (TI-AC)“, zu dem die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer von Vorstandsvorsitzender Eva Geiblinger und Paul Jauernig, Leiter der Internen Revision der Magistratsdirektion, begrüßt wurden. Im Zentrum der Beratungen stand der Jahresbericht 2016 des…

Senior Litigation Lawyer sought

KNOETZL, a premier Austrian-based, international disputes resolution firm that represents clients in many of the most significant litigated matters in the region, is equally dedicated to excellence in advocacy and in maintaining a practice environment that is both challenging and internally supportive of our lawyers at a high level that we believe is not customary…

KNOETZL partner Patrizia Netal spoke on gender and cultural diversity in arbitration at the Kyiv conference on International Arbitration: Emerging Changes

On 17 March 2017, KNOETZL partner Patrizia Netal spoke in Kyiv at the international conference on “International Arbitration: Emerging Changes” at the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The conference that was kicked off by a welcome address of the Ukrainian Minister…

Join our team

We tackle complex work effectively and efficiently with teams right-sized according to our clients’ needs. Competence, reliability and professionalism are all strong characteristics of our people and our working environment is non-bureaucratic and flexible. Our culture is founded on the importance of teamwork, partnership, passion and fun and by having a great ‘home base’ to…

KNOETZL Counsel, Tobias Schaffner, organized Conference at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cambridge

An organization committee headed by KNOETZL Counsel, Tobias Schaffner, invited leading scholars and practitioners from the UK, the U.S., and continental Europe to a conference entitled “Law as a Guide to Justice” and held at the Cambridge Law Faculty on Saturday, 4 March 2017. An illustrious panel including Judge James Crawford, former Whewell Professor of…