Sanctions Regimes’ Massive Impact on Legal Work

Sanctions regimes around the world are having a massive impact on legal work. Worldwide assets amounting to many billions in euros, dollars or pounds including trophy assets such as a 90 million yacht in Mallorca, have been frozen on short notice. ICC FraudNet, the top tier listed Fraud and Asset Recovery Network in which KNOETZL is…

Liability for Violation of Capital Maintenance Rules

Executive Summary: Austrian capital maintenance rules are strict and comprehensive. Under recent case law, even outside legal counsel can be held liable by the client (or a later insolvency receiver) if they fail to prevent the violation of Austrian capital maintenance rules by their client. Where the sole shareholder is also the sole managing director,…

Gefährliche Geschenke

KNOETZL Partnerin Bettina Knötzl, Wirtschaftsstrafrechtsexpertin erklärt zum Antikorruptionsrecht, welche Geschenke an Politiker problematisch sind. ATV untersuchte die Frage anlässlich der öffentlichen Diskussion um das Hochzeitsgeschenk des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin an Ex-AuĂźenministerin Karin Kneissl im Wert von rund 50.000 Euro. Bettina Knötzl erklärt unter anderem, was der Gesetzgeber nicht als „ungebĂĽhrlichen Vorteil“ erachtet. Der Beitrag…

IBA Litigation Committee in Preparation

The leadership committee of the IBA Litigation Committee is in serious prep mode for the upcoming Annual Litigation Forum. As are many members across the globe, our litigation partner, Bettina Knötzl, former Co-Chair of this Committee, is eager to finally(!) attend this networking meeting in April, 2022 – in person!   The pandemic cost us a…

Untersuchungsausschuss – Grundrechte der Befragten in Gefahr?

Ăśber Einladung von Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka diskutierten am 25.2.2022 ĂĽberschattet von den Grundrechtsverletzungen des russischen Staates in der Ukraine, unsere Partnerin Bettina Knötzl gemeinsam mit Pabel, Prof. Kert, Prof. Ratz und Prof. Eisenberger und einem hochkarätigen Publikum österreichischen Parlament Diskussion zum Thema „Beschuldigtenrechte unter Druck – Rechtliche und politische Aufklärung im Gleichschritt“. Gemeinsam mit…

Exposure of Managing Directors of Austrian Corporate Entities in Times of COVID-19

Management teams have found themselves confronted by a whole new world of perilous risks since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulatory, public health, legal and commercial developments have been rapid and unpredictable, causing risk profiles to shift in potentially dramatic ways and raising uncertainty as to the propriety of company responses. As litigators and…

Protecting Customer Lists and Other Trade Secrets in Austria

Walking the line between the lawful use of information obtained from (former) employers and the unlawful exploitation of trade secrets Trust is an essential ingredient for building and retaining business in almost all industries. Specifically: trust in employees and business partners. But what happens when those employees leave or partnerships break?  Trade secrets can easily…