Emmanuel Kaufman, KNOETZL partner, addresses the ICC YAF/ICC Mexico International Arbitration Conference in Mexico City

On 6 September 2017, on the eve of the Mexican Arbitration Day, the ICC Young Arbitration Forum (ICC YAF) and ICC Mexico organized a conference on the topic “Arbitration in the Americas: Where do we stand and where are we going?”.
Emmanuel was asked to address the conference, in a panel discussion entitled “Arbitration in Latin America: Where Do We Stand?” together with Mariana Conti Craviero from ContiCraveiro Advogados (Brazil), Juan Felipe Merizalde from Dechert LLP (U.S.) and moderated by Cecilia Flores Rueda, Flores Rueda Abogados (Mexico).
Touching upon two current issues relating to arbitration in the Argentine Republic, Emmanuel provided the conference attendees with a deep understanding of one of the first decisions on the new provisions of the Argentine Civil and Commercial Code regarding negative Kompetenz-Kompetenz, as well as the dispute resolution provisions of the new Argentinean Private Public Partnership law concerning technical panels and arbitration.
For more information please contact Emmanuel Kaufman or your customary KNOETZL relationship professional at our firm.
Emmanuel Kaufman | Partner
KNOETZL | Herrengasse 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria | T + 43 1 34 34 000 800 | emmanuel.kaufman@knoetzl.com | knoetzl.com