KNOETZL’s arbitration partners Florian Haugeneder, Patrizia Netal and Emmanuel Kaufman are recognized by Who’s Who Legal as leading arbitration practitioners in Austria.

Florian Haugeneder is regarded as “excellent” and enjoying a “fantastic reputation in the market”. One source recognized him as “one of the leading practitioners in Austria”. Patrizia Netal is recognized as one of the future arbitration leaders in Austria. Patrizia is described as an “excellent lawyer and organizational talent”. One source states that she is “definitely one…

Mediation of Commercial Disputes – Mediation Advocacy contributes to achieve Win/Win for Clients

On Thursday, November 23, a conference hosted by the British Embassy in Vienna and organized by Miryan Weichselbaum-Gharibo of Let’s Agree (Austria) and Elizabeth Birch of 3VB (UK) discussed best practices in Alternative Dispute Resolution.   Styled “How to agree when you disagree”, the program gave an outstanding overview of a potentially very attractive alternative to…

Viennese Breakfast for Arbitration Practitioners

Florian Haugeneder co-organised and spoke at the “Viennese Breakfast for Arbitration Practitioners” in Seoul, jointly organized by Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB), Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) and ArbAut. With co-panelists Doo-Sik Kim (Shin & Kim), Benjamin Hughes (Seoul National University), Filip Boras (Baker McKenzie) and Harald Sippel (Yulchon), Florian discussed about “How to deal with procedural…

ICC Seminar on IP and Trade Secrets held by Teresa Bogensberger and Natascha Tunkel, KNOETZL

Intellectual property and trade secrets are essential company assets. The core topics of this recent ICC seminar were building awareness for protection of these assets, pro-active risk management, and specialized international dispute resolution mechanisms. Teresa Bogensberger gave insight on IP protection by official registration and by private contracts on a national and international level. Participants were especially…

G’Day, Mates! IBA Litigation Lunch Cruise In Sydney!

Even the hard-working Senior Co-Chair of the IBA’s vibrant Litigation Committee occasionally gets to enjoy some Down (under) Time with some Committee members, who cruised around the Sydney Harbor on a Star Wars-like ship for a Thursday lunch.   KNOETZL partner, Bettina Knoetzl, after organizing and conducting a memorable and packed, global litigation showcase on cultural…

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