Liability of Managing Directors of a GmbH for Incorrect Financial Information and “Civil Fraud” – Austrian Supreme Court Ruling 6 Ob 244/17a

Director’s liability is a recurring issue in both the Austrian and German courts. One reason is that, when a company goes into bankruptcy, its receivers and creditors tend to look for alternative sources of funds, especially when the directors are covered by D&O Insurance. In this Austrian case, a buyer of equipment from a company that…

KNOETZL hosts second Workshop in cooperation with ELSA WU Wien

KNOETZL hosts second Workshop in cooperation with ELSA WU Wien On 15 May 2018, KNOETZL hosted the second workshop in cooperation with the European Law Students’ Association, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Business Law Chapter (ELSA WU Wien). About 20 highly motivated students were given a lecture on cross examination techniques by KNOETZL partner…

M&A Litigation in US and EU

Together with a UK and US lawyers and a Delaware Supreme Court judge, KNOETZL’s Katrin Hanschitz explored “Trends in Merger and Acquisition Law and Practice: The Interrelationship between Stockholder Voting and Director Duties” on a panel at the ABA International Section in New York last week. With the Corwin and Trulia rulings of the Delaware Supreme Court…

Workshop in Kooperation mit ELSA WU

KNOETZL veranstaltet am 15.05.2018 in Kooperation mit ELSA WU einen Workshop zum Thema „Cross Examination Skills“. Zuerst wird unser Schiedsrechtsexperte Florian Haugeneder einen EinfĂĽhrung in die Techniken der Zeugenbefragung geben. Im anschlieĂźenden Praxisteil wird interaktiv mit den Teilnehmern eine Zeugenbefragung simuliert. So können die Befragungstechniken geĂĽbt und angewendet werden. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten etwa eine Woche vor dem…

Transparency International Address on the State of Anti-Corruption and Austria’s Fight Against Bribery

Bettina Knoetzl, White Collar Crime lawyer and partner at KNOETZL, addressed the absence of a clear and cogent Austrian anti-corruption program in her speech at the general assembly of Transparency International, through her role as President, Transparency International, Austrian Chapter: “It is astonishing that the whole program in the section “Justiz” (justice) of the new Austrian…

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