Tales of the Tribunal

For its third episode of the “Tales of the Tribunal” podcast [presented by Chris Campbell, Esq., ACIArb., 2nd Visiting Counsel at Baker Hughes, a GE Company from the Florence Area, Italy,], which airs every Thursday for 15-25 minutes weekly and profiles the backgrounds and stories of key people that make the world of international business…


Seit vielen Jahren hat sich unter der FederfĂĽhrung von Mag. Angelika Kramer ein nationales Ranking der besten Anwälte des Landes etabliert. Auch 2019 kĂĽrte das Magazin trend die Besten in 25 Kategorien. 100 ausgewählte Anwaltskanzleien haben eine Stimme in 25 Kategorien mit je 5 Nennungen, wobei Selbsternennungen nicht erlaubt sind.  Wir danken unseren Kollegen ĂĽber…

In the vital fight against governmental corruption, Transparency International shines light and calls for effective measures, including independent prosecutors.

Last weekend was historically unprecedented in Austrian domestic politics. Highly-ranked and visible officials of the FPĂ–, including the Vice Chancellor, were seen on the “Ibiza Video” pandering to, and making highly questionable proposals to a supposed niece of a Russian oligarch. Read here a report by Transparency International quoting Advisory Council President Bettina Knoetzl on…

GOOD Things Happen to KNOETZL’s Good People

After a fun and exacting search for a young, ambitious, gifted and talented person to assume certain marketing and administrative responsibilities, the KNOETZL family set the table to welcome our newest addition this week.  However, just days before her start date, our Marie Mann, learned that she had also been selected – as a result…

7th Bergsten Lecture held at the University of Vienna

On 14 April 2019, KNOETZL partner Florian Haugeneder spoke at the 7th Bergsten Lecture held at the University of Vienna. The annual lecture delivered by Carolyn Lamm discussed issues of corruption and illegality in international arbitration. Following Carolyn Lamm’s lecture Florian Haugeneder addressed three key issues: (1) the standard of proof applied by arbitral tribunals when…

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