KNOETZL hosts second Workshop in cooperation with ELSA WU Wien

KNOETZL hosts second Workshop in cooperation with ELSA WU Wien

On 15 May 2018, KNOETZL hosted the second workshop in cooperation with the European Law Students’ Association, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Business Law Chapter (ELSA WU Wien).

About 20 highly motivated students were given a lecture on cross examination techniques by KNOETZL partner Florian Haugeneder. In the subsequent practical section of the workshop, the students had the possibility to gain hands-on experience with the art of witness examination in mock examinations.

After the workshop, KNOETZL attorneys joined the group for an enjoyable get-together with snacks, drinks and the panoramic view offered by KNOETZL’s top floor.

The photos were kindly provided by ELSA WU Wien.