Dawn Raids

Dawn Raids – How to prepare: Siemens AG, Compliance Investigations CEE, Russia, India, Nada Sramek and Bettina Knoetzl  share their experience with the Compliance Community participating at the 10th Annual Anti-Corruption Compliance CEE 2019 in Prague. Dawn Raids and house searches are a major challenge for an organization. Proper preparation and reaction can mitigate the potentially great, negative, effects of a dawn raid and with guidance and direction from seasoned, directly-experienced advisors, and thereby avoid unnecessary mistakes.  Nada and Bettina explored together, the do’s and don’ts during, before and after the dawn raid and discussed past fumbles, the need for cooperation with the authorities, and follow-on civil claims, such as class actions as a game changer, maneuvering the cooperative company’s management into a direct conflict of interest, and mobilizing the company’s employees and constituents and regulators.  In the evening, the conference participants were on their own, and the KNOETZL representatives at this now-established Prague gathering enjoyed a great Czech meal with a fun and lively group of very impressive industry professionals.  We are now off and running on what promises to be a good second conference day, kicked off by our good friends at Debevoise & Plimpton.