9th Annual CEE Anticorruption conference in Prague


White Collar Crime in CEE: Showcasing KNOETZL’s deep bench in the field of white collar crime and compliance, partner Bettina Knoetzl presented, at the 9th Anti Corruption Conference in Prague, the “Gameplan for the Worst Case” to a distinguished and senior group of compliance, audit and legal experts from the whole CEE region, including for global companies in  energy, construction, IT, pharma, auditing and telecommunications businesses.

The third annual two-day conference assembled by G|C|M-Parker offered an excellent opportunity to dissect the latest trends in compliance, and in internal as well as external investigations among noted leaders in the field.  As the only leading civil and white collar criminal trial lawyer invited to present, Bettina was peppered with thoughtful questions and shown considerable appreciation for her guidance in circumstances sought to be avoided by all, but instead, are recognized to be often inevitable in complex, international and domestic business circumstances.

Quoting Professor Paul Watzlawick “one cannot not communicate”, Bettina alerted the audience to the importance of timely preparation and effective communication with all relevant stakeholders and interested parties, in particular  with the prosecutor, anti-corruption and anti-competition authorities once the surprise and serious proceedings have been sprung by investigative authorities.